Adventurous Short Fiction (Updated From Time to Time)

What is Adventitious?

This isn’t really a big deal. It’s an infinitesimal one. A challenge, really, to write 100 short stories in a year. That’s why I plan to update this  twice a week. I’m a giant fan of grace periods. As for the schedule, after I read a post saying Wednesdays and Fridays were the best days for new content, I read one that said Mondays were, so I opted for Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Naturally, I failed this goal miserably, but I’m determined to give something like it another go. Really, this will be a hub for writing. No other frills, really.

Who Am I?

A nobody. Not a name you should recognize. I’m (probably) like you.  I love writing but don’t really have an outlet for it beyond my day job.

In my case, that day job involves writing (and editing) so many words that the prospect of getting creative after I clock out is as appealing as, you know, a thing that’s not at all appealing or whatever.

So this is my blunt instrument way of forcing myself to create stories in a format I’m passionate about, no matter what happens in real life.

You can also check me out on Inkshares where I’m assembling a short story collection of work not featured on this site.

Why Are There No Comment Sections?

First of all, because I don’t assume anyone will ever see the site (which shoves this About post into black-hole-Duchamp territory).

Second of all, if you like what I’m writing, you can share it or email me with your thoughts. Hell, you can email me if you hate what I’m writing, too. Either way. Go nuts. I know I will.

Where Are the Pictures From?

I use public domain and creative commons photos from a variety of sources (as well as pictures I’ve taken myself). Those sites include: